Stratis Monthly #4
A total of 109 commits were made during the month of May, this encompassed 392 file changes and 14,219 additional lines of code.
As we move closer to the release of the Stratis Sidechain Masternodes, we have progressed extremely well with the current focus almost exclusively centring on testing and finalizing any outstanding items prior to the community testing phase.
Development Update
A total of 109 commits were made during the month of May, this encompassed 392 file changes and 14,219 additional lines of code. A short summary of the developments relating to the Stratis Sidechain Masternodes can be found below.
• Improvements to wallet transaction tracking
• Enhance the stability of the peer connectivity
• Reduction in indexing resource consumption
• Implementation of ‘burning’ STRAT for Sidechain withdrawals
• Optimization of the Federation wallet
• Introduction of a dynamic fee/reward for Masternodes
In addition to the core development, work has also been undertaken to deliver an additional wallet catering for the Cirrus Sidechain. A preview of the Cirrus Core wallet can be found below.
The Coherence Suite plays a pivotal role in allowing us to test edge cases within short timeframes. When testing many interconnected blockchain nodes it is important to monitor the overall network health through log interrogation. Contrary to the single instance scenario where a number of log files are relatively small, the whole network log monitoring is a more involved task.
Utilizing the Exception Viewer tool within the Coherence Suite, the log monitoring begins before the node itself has started. A precise design of the NLog configuration targets specific components with additional tracing provided by Fody.
When the nodes are running, we periodically execute a scan across the whole network and automatically classify logs based on predefined rules. This approach allows us to pinpoint key areas of interest.