Stratis October Monthly Release

6 min readOct 7, 2022


September saw team Stratis enjoy new proposals and exciting events, and although summer is over, autumn is already shaping up to be just as interesting a season for all the community.

Keep reading for an overview of what’s new in the Stratis community.

Corgi Dash passed its second SDA proposal

Congratulations to the Corgi Dash team for passing their second SDA proposal!

The proposal requested 135,000 CRS ($70,000 USD) to complete game development and integrate smart contracts, NFTs and the SDK platform into the game.

Corgi Dash is a fun, play-to-earn game in which players dash over and under various obstacles to reach the Corgi House over six fast-paced and increasingly difficult levels. Each Dash costs 500 Corgi coins to enter, which are then redistributed into the Game Rewards wallets. There are 10,000 coins available across each Dash. If a player completes all six levels, their collected coins are added to their Stratis Wallet and can be traded on OPDEX.

To hear all the latest news about SDA projects and proposals, be sure to join our Discord page here.

Stratis enjoyed its first London meet-up

It was wonderful to see some new and familiar faces at the first Stratis meet-up at Tower Suites in London this month.

The meet-up included some incredible presentations from creators that have worked with Stratis to bring their projects to life, from the creator of The Astroverse and Dawn of Ships to developers from Kiqqi Games.

If you are interested in attending the next meet-up to discuss all things Stratis, blockchain, and NFTs, then join us at Tower Suites for our second event on 21st October. You can sign up for tickets here.

$STRAX is now listed on Bitpanda

This month, Stratis’ native $STRAX token was added to Bitpanda, one of Europe’s fastest-growing fintechs which allows users to trade and invest in stocks, cryptocurrencies, and more on its platform.

NDC Oslo

Recent Stratis Hackathon winner, Allister Beharry recently presented his Formal Verification of C# Smart Contracts at the event. Stratis is grateful to have great minds such as Allister interested in their platform, providing solutions such as Silver.

Allister’s presentation can be viewed in full here:

Binance AMA

Stratis collaborated with Binance to offer an AMA with Stratis CEO, Chris Trew. As expected, the AMA events always raise great questions and provide a fantastic opportunity to share information about Stratis to a wide audience.

The full AMA can be viewed below:

Question 1: Who is currently building on Stratis?

We have a wide range of companies building on the platform, ranging from established indie gaming studios developing gaming-focused NFT solutions to a fully decentralized exchange that enables users on the platform to trade in a completely decentralized manner. We have a really cool project currently building a metaverse, which reminds me of the Habbo Hotel. In this virtual chat room, you create your own avatar and interact with people all over the country and world. Check them out here:

Question 2. What are your thoughts on NFTs?

NFTs present a fantastic vehicle for a wide variety of use cases beyond art, from actual ownership of in-game items to NFTs being utilized as tickets or memberships for venues and events. We are also really focusing on working with traditional artists, offering workshops highlighting the benefits that NFTs can bring and how they can be created with ease.

My belief in NFTs has seen Stratis develop the first genuinely sustainable and commission-less NFT Platform, “Stratisphere”. You can check out NFTs that have already been listed and experience how easy it is to “Top-up” to purchase your favorite NFT!

We’re currently gearing up to make Stratisphere a known brand in the UK and within the NFT space. A huge brand awareness campaign will launch in London later this year, so keep your eyes peeled!

Question 3. Where can we meet Stratis team members?

We have a globally dispersed team of developers working on the platform; however, we pride ourselves on being a leading London-based blockchain platform. You will find Stratis’ team members attending many events in London weekly.

To further cement our position as a leading London-based blockchain platform, we will hold monthly events at an iconic venue overlooking the Tower of London. It’s a free event, so we encourage you to register and come along to meet the team, hear the speakers and enjoy some drinks/canapes!

Question 4. Which development at Stratis most excites you?

There have been lots of projects that have excited me over the years building in the space. Currently, though, I am genuinely most excited to watch our progress in our stablecoin (GBPT) offering. As recently announced, we are working alongside PwC to ensure regulatory compliance for our required registrations. The solution works with the existing OpenBanking standards ensuring compliance and simplified integration into any of the UK clearing banks we engage with. Additionally, PwC has committed to providing auditing services for the solution upon its deployment.

We could issue a stablecoin with our current technology. Still, we understand the importance of regulation. We know that this is required for any significant engagement relating to a digital banking currency.

Question 5. Can you stake or mine STRAX?

Absolutely, several options are available to those seeking passive income through staking or operating a Masternode. We have cold-staking options available for the more security-conscious token holders; additionally, we also provide token holders with the opportunity to operate a Masternode. According to, operating a Masternode currently offers a 35.56% return.

Masternodes produce blocks on our Smart Contract Sidechain and also play a role in voting for projects to receive funding to build on the platform. We take pride in knowing that our platform is secured by a genuinely distributed pool of masternodes. This ensures decentralized execution of contracts and enhanced security thanks to the trustless registration methods.

There is an active and supportive community surrounding Stratis and the projects building upon it. It truly is great to see.

Binance Community Questions

Question 1: When BSC interoperability? and how that affect current masternodes?

We will be rolling out BSC support for our interoperability platform soon, as part of this roll out we will be adding official support for Linux when hosting a masternode.

Question 2: STRAX Anonymous Team or Totally Public Team?

We are totally public and have been since day 1

Question 3: How long does the commission fee of 0% is going to stay?

The 0% fee will stay forever, we may however offer a more feature packed offering in future that is not 0%.

Question 4: Are you a BTC person or ETH person?

Both, I mined ETH when it was just a few dollars

Question 5: Do you have an estimated date for the release of the GBPT stable coin on Stratis blockchain?

Unfortunately, we cannot, but it will likely not be in 2022

Question 6: Currently NFT is developing and becoming a new innovation in the Blockchain world. However, many users still don’t understand about NFT. Do you have plans to educate about NFT to users outside of non-Crypto? What are the measures to increase awareness of your project in non-crypto space?

Great question, we see education as a critical part of raising the awareness of NFT’s and Stratis. Not only educating the end user but also businesses/artists/developers etc.

Question 7: What is the SDA?

Stratis Decentralised Accelerator. This is our decentralised fund that provides funding for innovative projects building on Stratis. A decentralised vote by the Stratis Masternodes is required to receive the funding




Written by Stratisplatform

Stratis is powerful and flexible Blockchain Development Platform designed for the needs of real world financial services and businesses.

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